'Low Life Leach': Angry Uber Eats Driver Reams Customer For Leaving 20% Tip
A 20% tip, which has long been the service industry standard, is apparently too little for one Uber Eats driver. Is he right to be so upset?
Published 1 year ago in Wow
A 20% tip, which has long been the service industry standard, is apparently too little for one Uber Eats driver. Is he right to be so upset?
Though a 20% tip may have long served as a service industry standard, one angry Uber Eats driver was allegedly having none of his gratuity, penning a scathing note to a customer who they said didn’t tip them enough cash.
Redditor u/tktkt posted to r/mildlyinfuriating on Wednesday with their recent tale of delivery woe, revealing the extremely angry message they received from a driver scorned by the unfathomable horror of a 20% tip.
"I'm your neighbor who you cheated last night from Sake. You are a creep low fucking life leech,” began the letter, one simply addressed to “Asshole”
After threatening to “notify everyone in the complex of the low life you are” — “I know who you are,” they added like a serial killer in a bad 80s slasher flick — they concluded their verbal rampage with an ominous warning.
"'You will reap what you sow. When cancer hits your rotten ass, remember me, creep."
Despite these bold, Taylor Swift-ian avowals of karmic justice, it appears the forces of fate may be headed right back toward their ass … at least if several seething Redditors get their way.
“You should send that to UberEats,” added u/Odd_Mission_5366. “If the merchant took the tip they need to know or if this guy is a nut and shouldn’t be delivering anything to anyone.”
“Definitely report,” reiterated u/“obolobolobo. “Pretty much the first rule of customer service is 'never threaten the customer.”
And they’re not wrong – though the gig economy may be tough, you catch more tips with honey than you do threatening manifestos.